Our in-house facilities mean you can get your research done..
Please see our funding agencies listed below that made this all possible.
Custom Bruker 2-photon & Confocal MicroscopeResonant scanning (30 fps), dual GAASP detectors, custom optics to allow color stimulation while imaging, Insight DS+ 700-1300 nm femtosecond laser,
3 confocal lasers (488, 561, 640 nm) |
Electrophysiology setup for spectral, spatial and temporal sensitivity measurementsFully automated control of Cairn research monochromator, goniometer cardan arm system, electrophysiology system via matlab.
Constant temperature and humidity rearing spaceAllows the rearing of multiple species of flies simultaneously.
Molecular Biology LaboratoryEverything you need for making transgenic animals including injection station, PCR, incubators etc.
Server StationsHigh Speed and High Capacity Drives and processors interconnected by 10GB+ fibre optic cable
Cephalopod Rearing SpacePrecise control of temperature, circulation, water changes, chemical monitoring etc.
Leica dissection scope with fluorescence and cameraAllows calibrated research images to be collected, with fluorescence, carbon dioxide pad for fly sorting.
Dedicated meeting room with espresso machine and projector for movie nightsPerfect place for meeting place or just hang out together and discuss ideas.
Basement Cavern for dark experiments with precision airconditioningTo edit, click on the text to start adding your own words.